Welcome to the "Litlle-Big fans" page!!The people you
are about to see may be little in size, but they are BIG fans! Please Notice: The good pictures are belown all my bubblings! In Normal life, Our little brothers Ido and
Maor are the typical little brothers: Fighting all the time and driving their parents (and
elder sisters and brothers) CRAZY. I never thought there can be something that can
facinate them enought to cause them to sit queitly for over an hour, except, offcourse,
Power Rangers. SURELY not something like a dance show! Ido: I'm bored. Lets put a video on! In that moment I was about to enter the room they were in, to prevent ANOTHER brother's fight, but then there was silence, and then... Ido: I know... Lets put the Lord of the
Dance! They want the Lord of the Dance? Well, who am I to resist to such a noble request... ;) And it gets better! HERE COME THE PART FOR
WHICH WE PUT THIS PAGE ON! Look Nomi, Look! I'm Michael Flakley! (He was 4 1/2 years old then, and couldn't pronounce "Flatley"...) He was SO cute in the black pents and the
black-red vest, giving such "I'm a tough-guy" looks that only made him look
cuter - just like the REAL "Michael Flakley"!!! - that I started fooling around
with the camera... :) Do you think Ido could let Maor get all the attention like
that? AHA! But Nomi likes me better! I am DAIRE NOLAN!!! Even Daire hiself didn't look fiercier in the age of 7 1/2!!! I'll spare you all my fooling around, and skip right to the last picture, who we all know from Feet of Flames - and I know VERY well from the kids' enourmos fights... THE DUEL! As I said in the beginnig: Little children, BIG fans!!! :) Click here to return
to the Lord of the Dance section!