WOW! Little-Big Fans FanClub LOTD links
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Welcome to...
The VERY unofficial
Fun Club in Israel!
What will this club do? And besides, what do we
need a club for?
We need a club to meet. That simple. And that is exactly
what the club will do...
There are quite a lot of LOTD fans in Israel, that is for sure by simple
calculations: Lets take the second time LOTD was in Israel, and the Caesaria theatre only
- that gives us 8 shows, 3500 people in each show. 8X3500=28,000. Even if only 5% of them
became fans, it's 1400 people! Each one of these fans has a little knowledge, a
little something to tell, a special moment to share, a special pic to show off...
together, it's A LOT!!!
Inviting LOTDish merchendise and things we just like to have from abroad is very
expensive. Together, we can get the best discount.
Watching the show alone is fun, no doubt. Watching the show together, with fans
like you, is incredible, amazing and AWESOME!
Trying to meet the dancers alone is harsment. Setting a meeting with them
together, as a fan club, is fun for both sides...
And so on and on... you got the point, I believe! :)
Why UNofficial?
Because in order to be an official fan club, we have to
pay money. Lots of money. And we want it to be a free club, open to anyone who wishes to
join without paying loads of money.
So, is it completely free? No membership fee?!
Yes, it's completely free. No fees at all. If, at a more advanced point, the club
members wants to do something that requires money, every member who wants to participant
will pay his/her share.
OK... how can I join?
By sending an E-mail to the club's head, AstroNomi, and saying there you wanna join. That's
all. You can write whatever you want in... as long as you also clearly declare you want to
join the club.
Can I help in anything?
Of course! Building a club is a complicated task, and the club's quality depands on
the acount of people that shares the task. More people will make the club better, no
doubt. If you want to help in anything, no metter how little or big, just write an e-mail to AstroNomi, and she will find you something
to do... :)
I have another question I wish to ask...
Well, you know what to do: E-mail it to AstroNomi, and she will answer within 2-3 days!
Follow your dreams!
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